
The Pixelmerge API receives requests only by HTTPS. A request is sent to an endpoint, which replies with data to the request. A request takes a method, a path, an optional query with parameters, and an optional application/json-encoded body. Authorization is performed by OAuth 2, access tokens must be supplied as a query parameter called “access_token”.

At the moment, the requests are not rate-limited, so you can request until we block your IP address or access token manually. This could change in near time, so you should always accept errors.

Generic Collection Parameters

Some API endpoints, which return a collection, accept generic collection parameters, to subset the responses. In general, any collection, which returns objects with a time, is supported.

Name Type Description
count number Maximum amount of the objects returned
since_time number Instruct, that the API should not return objects with a time, which is before the time specified in this parameter as UTC Unix timestamp.

All of these parameters must be supplied as query parameters.